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The 125th Anniversary of the Foundation of the TRANOSCIUS Publishing House Issue number
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1.20 €

      On 27th April 2023, the Tranoscius a.s. publishing house will celebrate its 125th anniversary. Founded 125 years ago, this institution has not only served the needs of the Evangelical Church but has also fulfilled a cultural mission. On several occasions it has had an effect on national history and the restrictions it faced, on freedom of speech, the press and life, often mirrored the situation in the whole of our society. Name of publishing house was derived from the name of Lutheran priest George Tranovsky (1592 – 1637), who worked in Liptovský Mikuláš as a pastor, but was well known also like teacher, writer and publisher. 

     Religious works have always been the core activity of the publishing house. Poetry and fiction from Slovak and foreign authors were only added later. The manuals and professional literature it published broadened the horizons of not only Slovak evangelists but also many others. The periodicals it published often reflected the current social situation and many of them are still published even today. They include, for instance: “Cirkevné listy”, “Evanjelický posol spod Tatier” and an almanac – Juraj Tranovskýʼs Calendar.

Over its long existence Tranoscius has cooperated with many prominent Slovak writers and designers. Its publishing activities have played an exceptionally important role, not only in the life of our nation, but also in the lives of Slovaks living abroad. Tranoscius has also made an immense contribution in helping our compatriots that live abroad to preserve their mother tongue as well as their national, cultural and religious consciousness.

     Another indisputable contribution of Tranoscius is that its publications made room for multiple opinions. This helped to generate intra-Church discourse that was spread by the educated members of the Church, reaching all areas of social and political life.  

Jaroslav Pilát, Chairman of the Board of Directors Tranoscius, a.s.

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