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400th Anniversary of the Martyr’s Death, Three Saintly Martyrs of Košice Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
1.85 €
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1.85 €

The Saintly Martyrs of Košice were young Catholic priests, forever tied to Košice by the strong testimony to their faithfulness to Christ and the Church. Marko Krizin came from the town of Križevci in Croatia, where he was born in 1589. He was ordained as a priest in 1615. He became a canon of the Chapter of Esztergom and an advisor to the Hungarian Primate Péter Pázmány. He administered the property of the Abbey in Krásna nad Hornádom near Košice, but he also had to travel to Košice for administrative matters. István Pongrácz was born in Transylvania in 1583. He entered...

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