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The Christmas Mail 2017 Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
1.00 €
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1.00 €

For nearly two decades Slovenská pošta has been running a unique project, The Christmas Mail, the aim of which is to spread Christmas cheer. Over this period, almost 1.7 million children’s Christmas wishes and drawings from all over the world have been delivered to the address “999 99 Ježiško” in Rajecká Lesná, where the official mailbox of the Baby Jesus is located. The majority of the letters received last year by Baby Jesus were from children in Slovakia, but also children from Taiwan, China, the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and many other countries wrote to him. He was also delighted to receive greetings from Bahrain, Namibia and Thailand. Baby Jesus’ helpers write back to every child who includes a return address and they also send a small gift. Besides Slovak and English, they also reply in Braille.
This year, Slovenská pošta has once again created a postage stamp with a winter design that features a selected child’s drawing that was received in last year’s Christmas Mail. Its theme is a jolly snowman drawn by Barbora Ďuríková. The author of the little house with a snowman featured on the FDC is Sofia Tadanaiová and the template for the FDC cancellation was drawn by Viktória Csábiová.  All three girls go to the Rozmarínová Street Primary School in Komárno.
For more information see our website:  

Department of Public Relations SP, a.s. 

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