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BECEP Road Traffic Safety Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
0.50 €
Sell price
0.50 €

Every year, more than 200 people are killed in traffic accidents on Slovak roads and hundreds of others are seriously injured.
On the road, exceeding the speed limit, not wearing seat belts, consuming alcohol before or while driving, failing to wear a reflective vest and the drivers' overestimation of their own driving skills threaten the most important thing a person has – their life.
Along with other member states of the European Union, the Slovak Republic has joined the Decade of Action on Road Safety and it has undertaken to reduce the number of people killed in traffic accidents by half by 2020, in comparison to the number of people killed in 2010. The department of transport is fulfilling this goal by building and maintaining safe types of roads as well as educating people, raising their awareness and promoting road traffic safety. This postage stamp issue aims to remind the public of the significance of road safety enhancements.
Carefully following road traffic rules and being considerate to others on the road should be an everyday part of the behaviour of each and every road user, be they pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists or vehicle drivers. It is the only way that everyone can contribute to making our roads safer.
BECEP is the road of life.

The Department of Road Traffic Safety
The Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic

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