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The 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Police Force of the Slovak Republic Issue number
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1.50 €
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1.50 €

The Police Force of the Slovak Republic has an abundant history with important historical relationships and traditions. Its historical origins can be found in 1918, when after the collapse of Austria-Hungary a new state, the Czechoslovak Republic, was established from part of its territory. It received and adopted the original state administration and legal systems. In practise it meant the laws defining the scope and performance of the security service between the state police and gendarmes remained valid in the territory of Slovakia. The Internal Administration Office, later renamed the Ministry of the Interior of Slovakia, was established by the 1918 Act No. 2. A new Act No. 165 on the Establishment of Police Authorities became valid in 1920. Following World War II, the old police and gendarme forces were dismissed, and a new security arrangement under the name National Security was created. Act No. 149, establishing an integrated National Security Force, was legally adopted by the Constitutional National Assembly of the Czechoslovak Republic in 1947. As a result of social and political changes, this act underwent numerous legislative changes (adapted by Acts No. 286/1948, 70/1965 and 40/1974). The National Security Force operated in Slovakia until 1991. The revolutionary events of 1989 resulted in substantial changes in the arrangement and activities of the security forces. The legislative measure of the Presidium of the Slovak National Council No. 57, dated January 25, 1991, transformed Public Security from the National Security Force into the Police Force of the Slovak Republic. Its scope and responsibilities were defined in legislation by the Slovak National Council Act No. 204/1991 Coll. on Police Force of the Slovak Republic. Following the split of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republics and the creation of an independent Slovak Republic on January 01, 1993, former federal units were included in the scope of operations of the Police Force, and its scope and responsibilities were revised in the Slovak National Council Act No. 171/1993 Coll. on Police Force. This act has been amended several times over the last 25 years, as it was necessary to modify the legislation to flexibly respond to new forms of criminal activity and to implement the principles of international police co-operation following dynamic developments in the area of internal and international security in compliance with the foreign policy of the Slovak Republic. The Police Force is accountable to the Minister of Interior of the Slovak Republic. Its activities are controlled by the National Council of the Slovak Republic. As a modern armed security force, it fulfils tasks related to internal order, security and the fight against crime and tasks resulting from the international commitments of the Slovak Republic.

Zuzana Slameňová

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