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ART: Ester Šimerová - Martinčeková (1909 – 2005) Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
1.40 €
Sell price
1.40 €

Ester Šimerová-Martinčeková, nee Fridriková (23/01/1909, Bratislava – 07/08/2005, Liptovský Mikuláš) was a painter and a significant personality in Slovak modern visual art. She started her art studies at the Gustav Mallý private school in Bratislava; from 1927 – 1932 she studied at various art schools in Paris. She was mostly influenced by her education and the works of A. Exter. From 1939 she lived with her husband in Pilsen. Her exhibition at the Society of West Bohemian Artists in Pilsen in 1941 was closed and declared “entartete Kunst” (Degenerate Art). Her husband was executed in 1943 for helping the perpetrators of...

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