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Beauties of our Homeland: Tatra Motifs - Chalet at Zelené Pleso Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
1.45 €
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1.45 €

The alpine chalets played a great role from the beginning of making High Tatras accessible to tourists. While for most contemporaries the chalets represent the final destination of their trip, they served as starting points for more challenging tourist and mountaineering local trips, mainly in old days. Increasing public interest in discovering High Tatras called for construction of chalets that would make starting hikes easier. A tourist chalet can be found in almost every valley in High Tatras that is interesting to tourists. Alpine chalets came into and out of existence, one enjoyed more public interest, the other one less. An important role in this was played also by chalet keeper and personnel running the chalet.
Some chalets bear the name after the initiator of construction, but more often after the place they are located. That is also the case of Chalet at Zelené pleso. The Hungarian Carpathian Society, established in 1873 in Smokovec, took at its birth as its mission the making the Tatras accessible to tourists. One of first activities was not only promotion and discovery of Tatras but also building tracks and construction of tourist chalets. The Society proposed already at the time of its founding the construction of chalet in Zelené pleso shore. The predecessor of the Chalet at Zelené pleso was the Edig chalet under Kopa, which was later moved to Zelené pleso. But it did not have long duration. The Society came with final solution in the last decade of the 19th century. In the northern shore of Zelené pleso, under Jastrabá veža peak  (2137 m), the Society had a chalet built that serves up to the present after various adjustments and extension. Originally it was named Fridrich chalet, later Chalet at Zelené pleso and Brnčal chalet. In 1992 it returned to the name Chalet at Zelené pleso.
The chalet is accessible via various tourist routes from the southern and northern side of High Tatras. Also a marked tourist track to Jahňací štít peak leads from the chalet. The chalet is attractive to ski tourists in winter, because a ski touring route leads from here through Baranie saddle to Five Spiš Tarns in Malá Studená dolina.
                                                                                                                                                                 Rastislav Ovšonka

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