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ART: Viera Žilinčanová (1932 – 2008) Issue number
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1.20 €
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1.20 €

A significant representative of the Slovak contemporary fine arts, she followed the tradition of magic realism and surrealism in European and global art. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava in the class of prof. Ján Mudroch (1949 – 1955). In 1956, she graduated from Summer School of Painting of the world-renowned Oskar Kokoschka in Salzburg. She adopted her own manner of expression based on blending real and surreal pictorial elements.
 Her paintings defile anonymous maiden figures, female torsi reminding fragments of solitary antique statues supplemented by countryside with low and high horizons, figures with dark prolonged shadows, spring and autumn trees with night views of countryside with marble statues, still life paintings with grass, figural compositions and musical instruments. Reality and fantasy, tension and sorrow as well as reflection of reality full of absurdity – all of those motivated her interest.
She was often inspired by the setting of city parks (Luxembourg gardens in Paris, Retiro park in Madrid, Kensington gardens in London, English garden in Munich, Shinjuku park in Tokyo). However, she was most intensely attracted to the Mountain park in Bratislava, which became her “painting” genius loci. Paintings of Viera Žilinčanová are reminiscent of parables about light in which we live, a dream which has fossilized. We return to it again and again, yet we do not know whether we will be able to get under the surface, into its heart. They have become a synonym of one of the unique expressions of Slovak contemporary fine arts.  
It has also been confirmed by the painter´s separate exhibitions in several renowned world galleries. Besides, she represented our fine arts at numerous exhibitions and painting festivals in Bratislava, Košice, Trenčín, Prague, Brno and other cities in Europe and overseas. She was awarded the National Prize and the Jury Prize for her works at the International Painting Festivals in Cannes sur Mer; the Prize of Cyprián Majerník and the Main Prize at the International Biennale of Painting in Košice. 

Ľubomír Podušel

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