Nature Conservation - Horses - Slovak Warm-blood Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
31.00 Sk

The area between the River Tisza and the River Danube, where Slovakia lies in the Carpathian fold, was always known for the breeding of Warmblood horses, the origin of which is educed from the wild Tarpan. According to historical data, herds of wild Tarpan grazed on the steppes around the Black and Caspian seas in the middle of the 19th century. Nomadic tribes with their horsemen made incursions into Central and Western Europe through the Russian steppes. Their riding horses were of oriental and later of Arabian origin, smaller, steady, strong, modest, and in good health. During incursions, they bred domestic horses. Material evidence exists of wild horses in our territory from the repositories in Gánovce and Vyšné Ružbachy, as well as at the Avars cemetery in Žitavská Tôň. The most significant, as well as the best quality development in horse breeding in the region of Slovakia occurred during the almost 200-year long occupation (1526-1711) by Turkish troops, when the breeding of horses was intensively influenced by the Arabian horse. Post-1711 until the beginning of the 19th century, the Spanish horse influenced horse breeding. The breeding of an English thoroughbred at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century had a considerable effect on horse breeding in this territory, which has continued until the present day.
The Slovak Warmblood is not a homogenous breed, as several Warmblood breeds of horses participated in its origin. It is a horse of medium size, with excellent characteristics for a riding horse, good personality and temperament, and suitable for work in pairs. It has a correct appearance of longer lines, with a dry rump and good hooves. Its breeding area is delimited by the territory of the Slovak Republic. This breed has an approved “Breeding Book Statute” and breeding book line. It is the most widespread horse breed in Slovakia, being bred at the National Stud Farm in Topoľčianky.
Vladimír Hučko

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