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Roman Legions in Trencin Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
26.00 Sk

Latin wording of the Roman inscription in Trenčín: VICTORIAE AVGVSTORV(m) EXERCITVS QVI LAV GARICIONE SEDIT MIL(ites) ...L(egionis) II DCCCLV (Marcus Valerius) MAXIMIANVS LEG(atus) LEG(ionis) II AD(iutricis) CVR(avit) F(aciendum) Translated: To the victory of emperors and the army that resided in Laugaricio, numbering 855 soldiers of the 2nd legion, dedicated by M. V. Maximianus, legate of the 2nd supporting legion. Monumental Latin inscription on the castle rock dated 179 A.D. is a unique monument of its kind on our territory. By this inscription the armies under the reign of Marcus Aurelius and his son Commodus immortalised their victory over Germanic Quades in Laugaricio (the territory of Trenčín) during the Marcoman Wars. The settlement of Leukaristos also appeared on the World Map of the Greek geographer Ptolemaios in the 2nd century A.D. The first reliable mention of the inscription originates from the 16th century from the Hungarian historian M. Istvánffy. In 1852, it was rediscovered by Ľ. Stárek, a priest from Trenčín. From the 2nd half of the 19th century to the present it has enjoyed the attention of many European scholars. Further verification of its authenticity and clarification of its contents was aided by the French archaeologists L. Leschi and H. G. Pflaum in the 1950s with their discovery of the tombstone of General M. V. Maximian in the Ancient Roman town of Diana Veteranorum (today known as Zana in Algeria). PhDr. Milan Šišmiš

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