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Svätopluk Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
14.00 Sk

The Great Moravian Rulers - a set of four stamps, placed on the lower part of a presentation sheet. They picture portraits of important Great Moravian rulers (from the beginning of 9th century) - Pribina, Rastislav, Koceľ, Svätopluk. These Great Moravian rulers were from the Mojmír's dynasty and they founded the original west-Slavic state, extended the territorial boundaries, and cultural expansion. They are pictured with the Great Moravian map at its greatest times. The map was designed based on the findings of the academician Jan Dekan, who has also included a shield, depicting a falconer, which is a reproduction of an archeological find.

Pribina (around 800 - 861)- was the Prince of Nitra until 833, also the Prince of Blatnohrad between 846 - 861. He gave his approval for a church to be built in his Principality of Nitra, the first Christian church in Slovakia, which was consecrated by Adalrám, the Archbishop of Salzburg in 828. Moravian Prince Mojmír I banished Pribina from Nitra in 833 and annexed the Principality of Nitra to Great Moravia. Pribina became a Prince of the Principality of Blatno and he built Blatnohrad near Zalavár in Hungary. He died in battle as an ally of Ľudovít Nemec.

FDC: Great Moravian doublecross found in Nova Mača, a reconstruction of St. Method's church - the archbishopric in Nitra (year 880), Nitra castle, and archeological relics.

Cancellation: tin crescent earring, - 8th century, Holiare.

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