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Common Wolf Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
16.00 Sk
Common Wolf (Cam's lupus L.)

A large carnivore from the dog family. Its original area of distribution covered Eurasia and North America. At our territory, it occurs especially in north-eastern and central Slovakia. The length of body in grown-up individuals reaches 120 - I5O cm, height in shoulders 65 - 80 cm, and weight 30 - 50 (65) kg. Its fur coat is predominantly grey, sometimes with a rusty-brown shade. being darker at the back and paler at the bottom. Wolf hunts by chasing a prey, mostly ungulates (deer, roe deer, wild boar), and it occasionally feeds on carcasses. Wolf may form a pack, in which the strongest individual becomes a leader. It mates in winter time (January - March), bearing 4 - 7 cubs in a den. after nine weeks. Wolf cubs reach sexual maturity at the end of second year, and they live 14 - 16 years.

RNDr. Vladimír Janský
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