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Men's folk-costume from Detva Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
5.50 Sk

Men's folk-costume from Detva The most expressive clothing type of costume from Detva area is a folk-costume from villages situated under Pol'ana Detva, Očová, Hriňová, and surroundings. Very characteristic is especially a men's costume. In the past, in addition to white felt-fabric trousers, common also elsewhere in Slovakia, predominantly wide linen pants ("gäti") were worn in this area. While elsewhere they had just a function of summer clothes or underpants, here they were worn as upper summer or winter clothes, completed with a short shirt of a special cut. The shirt reached just to the one third of a chest, so there was a naked waist left between shirt and belt. With a short embroidered fur coat ("eucaj"), felt-fabric waistcoat, and small decorated hat, it was an unique clothing, the only one of it's sort in Slovakia. Clothing specificity completes men's hairdo - long hair plaited to many plaits (hairdo called "kečki").

Mgr. Ľudovíta Sedalová
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