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Children Postage Stamp - UNICEF Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
5.50 Sk

The United Nation Children Fund (UNICEF), founded on Dec. 1946 by the General Assembly of UNO, is the largest organization in the world working on the improvement of the living conditions for children, their families and communities, in which they are growing up. All countries of the world, except for 2 countries, have ratified the Children Rights Treaty, which stipulates the basic rights of a child. The UNICEF is here to protect these rights, to secure the basic needs of children and to help to achieve a full-valued life. The UNICEF holds an unique position within the UN Organization, as it does not draw down from the UN funds, but it depends on voluntary contributions. The main source of income are the contributions from the publicly declared collections, public events and the revenue from sales of the UNICEF postcards. The Slovak Committee for UNICEF operates since 1993 and it is one of the 37 national committees for UNICEF, which have been established in the developed countries. The new issue of the postage stamps is based on artworks made by children, which have been selected from the competition of the children drawings proposed for postage stamps. This artwork competition accompanied by an exhibition is annually organized by the Philatelist Club in the town of Detva.

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