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EUROPA: Tatra National Park Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
9.00 Sk

b>The Tatras are the highest uplands within the Carpathian bow and boast a unique glacial relief, a diversity of geological structure and an abundance of flora and fauna. It is a diversity emphasised by the large number of species endemic to the mountains. The Tatra National Park is the biotope of rare species which include the chamois, alpine marmot, lynx, brown bear, wolf, pine marten and weasel, and the Tatran mountain eagle and red-winged wallcreeper. Among the rare and strictly protected forms of flora are the alpine edelweiss, Tatran larkspur, campion and gentian. The administration of the Tatra National Park ensures the protection and care of a biodiversity which is, together with the unique topology and ecology, an irreplaceable natural heritage.

Tomáš Vančura Director of the Tatra National Park Administration
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