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50. Anniversary of the University of Fine Arts Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
4.00 Sk

University of Fine Arts in Bratislava was founded in 1949. It started on traditions of the famous Handcraft school from the year 1929. The first rector of the "University of Fine Arts" was a painter, professor Jan Mudroch, and the first sections were painting, sculpture, graphic and restaration. The school hase been gradually enlarged by another sections of free and commercial art. At the present time the school has 11 departments with nearly 600 studying students. There are two-degree studies -bachelor's (1. - 4. Grade) and bachelor's of Arts (5. - 6. Grade). School-leavers will get a title of Graduate Bachelor of Arts (B. A.). In 1990 the school has gone through general, personal changes. As a consequence conception of the education has changed. Its focal point are so-called masterly ateliers. Substantial part of the ateliers is situated in building on "Drotárska cesta" street. The residence of rectorate is the historical "Pálffy" palace on "Hviezdoslav" square. The "Medium Galery" belongs to its part, too. Prof. Ing. Arch. Štefan Šlachta, PhD. is today's rector of the University of Fine Arts

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