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Spiritual Renewal 1998 Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
4.00 Sk

1998 is the second year of preparation for the great event of the two thousandth anniversary of the advent of Jesus Christ. In the programme proclaimed by the Holy Father in Tertio Millennio Adveniente, the second year is devoted to a deepening of our faith and of our relationship with the Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. It is devoted, too, to the sacrament in which the Holy Spirit grants Man spiritual gifts: the sacrament of Confirmation. Jesus Christ mediates the gift of the Holy Spirit to Mankind at the cost of his own sacrifice on the cross. Thanks to the operation of the Holy Spirit, Man opens himself to the fact that he is capable of believing in the love of God made manifest to us in Christ. In Baptism Christ gives to Man the Holy Spirit, who transforms us spiritually, fills us with the love of God, and makes of us God's accepted sons and daughters. Of all those that have accepted him the Holy Spirit creates one spiritual society: the Church. But the operation of the Holy Spirit is not confined to the Church. He, as God's personal love, acts in the heart of every person, urges him to goodness and leads him to an eternal society with the Trinity.

Mons František Rabek, Suffiagen Bishop Chairman of the Committee for the Prepration of the Year 2000
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