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European Nature Conservation Year - Ciminalis clusii Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
2.00 Sk

European Nature Conservation Year 1995 is taking place on the initiative of the Council of Europe. To mark the occasion a series of stamps is being issued portraying Slovakia's protected plants. Ciminalis clusii is exceptionally beautiful and the most attractive of the gentiana genus. In Slovakia it grows on hills (the Slovenský kras area) and right up to the highest reaches in the Belianske Tarry mountains. It is a fully protected species, classified as an endangered taxon in our highlands and already rare in many places. Pulsatilla slavica is a symbol of the beauty of Slovak flora and - with its big violet blossom - one of the most beautiful of our pulsatillas. It is indigenous to the Western Carpathians. It grows on limestone rock in submontane and mountain regions - and only in Slovakia's Western Carpathians and in the Khokholov valley in Poland. It is a fully protected and highly endangered species.

Ing. Jozef Jelenčiak
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