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Ľudovít Štúr Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
16.00 Sk

Ľudovít Štúr (1815-1856) was the leading figure in the Slovak national renewal, a philologist and codifier of written Slovak. From 1837 to 1838 and from 1840 to 1843 he taught at the Evangelical grammar school in Bratislava. With his philosophy/history lectures he intensified the patriotic fervour of the young Slovak intelligentsia who came to be known by his name as the štúrovci ("Sturites"). In 1846 in the work The Slovak Tongue - or the Necessity of Writing in this Tongue he justified the need for the codification of a new national literary language and with his Manual of the Slovak Language he gave it a firm grammatical structure. Through the publication of Slovenskie národňie noviňi (Slovak National News), the demands for reforms put forward at the Hungarian diet in Bratislava and his journalism in defence of the nation to became the ideologist of the incipient nationalist movement. He was one of the main protagonists and leaders of the uprising of the Slovaks in 1848-49 and the leading figure in the Slovak National Council.

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