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40th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic Issue number
FDC 454
Date of issue
Face value
0.80 €
Sell price
1.20 €

© Slovak Post, 2009 The Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic is an institution with vivid historical tradition. The history of the Audit Office dates back to the times of Empress Maria Teresa. With certain competence adjustments and its position transformation, the Audit Office existed throughout the monarchy era until the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic when the Supreme Accounting Audit Office was created. After certain historical changes in the position and competence, the Slovak National Council established the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Socialist Republic. Even though it was substituted by the Committee of People´s Audit of the Slovak Socialist Republic in 1970 this being transformed into to the Ministry of Audit of the Slovak Republic in 1990, The Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic existing until now was established in 1993 in accordance with the Act No. 39/1993 Coll. It is therefore and institution which has maintained a stable position in all social structures over its 250-year tradition, it has not lost its respect and it has been the guarantee of impartial control over public funds until now. The stamp illustrates heraldic emblem of SAO SR with imaged golden natural spread eagle with golden tongue and silver armour holding the state symbol of the Slovak Republic on its chest in silver threaded purfle, and on the right it holds golden silver-spiked spear of Apostle Thomas – all this being wrapped with golden purple lined ribbon from the bottom with the motto PARSIMONIA EFECTIVITAS COMMODUM. This image represents the expression of keen-sighted, steadfast checking of fact by means of their own experience, above all, independence of the control activity Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic governed by the principles of economy, efficiency and force while managing public finance. Ján Jasovský

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