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Preservation of Nature - Slovensky čuvač Issue number
FDC 394
Date of issue
Face value
31.00 Sk
Sell price
1.20 €

© Slovak Post, 2007 Slovensky čuvač is a descendant of the Big White Polar Dog. This fact is, among others, is supported by research and biometric measurements of čuvač skeletons, and comparing these with skeletons from previous periods. Most likely, the čuvač was brought by Goths and Burgundians from Pomeranian regions in the first centuries A.D. Its oldest roots could lead us to the original Pomeranian dog breeds. Early last century the čuvač was a popular breed in Slovakia. The first person to breed and improve the characteristics of the Slovensky čuvač was Prof. Antonín Hrůza. The first litter was registered in 1929. Four years later, the Tatra-čuvač Breeders Club was founded, later renamed the Club of Slovakian čuvač Breeders. At first, an average number of 40 to 50 puppies were registered annually. Up until 1960 the number of breeders continued to increase, resulting in 200 dog registrations annually. However, an international standard was only recognised and approved in 1965. The characteristics of this breed, a robust body and thick white coat, are similar to those of mountain dog types. Dogs are 62-70 cm high. Čuvač moves with ease, quickly, and likes to run. Historically the čuvač was a valuable helper to border guards, shepherds, and cattlemen. It protected sheep pens, chalets, and farms. This wide range of skills shows its immense value and character. It is a calm sheepdog, and if bred in suitable conditions displays not only inherited skills but also new tasks. For example, the čuvač is a reliable avalanche rescue dog and sledge dog. It is a very keen and extraordinary faithful breed. The name Chuvach derives from its characteristics, namely its ability to listen which in Slovak can be rendered as “chuch”, hence “čuvač”. Jozef Šuster

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