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Karol Kuzmány Issue number
FDC 368
Date of issue
Face value
16.00 Sk
Sell price
1.20 €

© Slovak Post, 2006 Karol Kuzmány – poet, novelist and theologist – was born on 16 November 1806 to the family of a protestant priest from Brezno. He went to school in Dobšiná in the Gemer Region, and in Bratislava. He completed his education in theology, history and philosophy at a university in Jena. He worked as a private tutor and later accepted a teaching position at Kežmarok secondary school. He started performing pastoral activities in Banská Bystrica, then moved to Zvolen before returning to Banská Bystrica two years later. In 1849, the Faculty of Theology in Vienna conferred on Kuzmány...

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