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Flower with Personalised Coupon Issue number
FDC 320
Date of issue
Face value
9.00 Sk
Sell price
1.20 €

An issue with personalised coupon gives the opportunity to print one’s own portrait or collective photography on the coupon. A heartfelt message or photograph can act as a keepsake for years, either way it could be for you or an original present for friends. The stamp depicts an attractive plant - Tulip Kaufmanniana. These kinds of tulips have a multi coloured petals with elegant flame shapes. Tulips come mainly from the steppes in Turkestan. They come in a huge variety of colours, shapes and sizes and can be cultivated both indoors and outdoors. On the FDC is a composition of Tulip Kaufmanniana and Tulip Tarda, that is also on the cancellation. Stamps with personalised coupon can be made by the Slovak Post, s.o.e., ÚS POFIS at Námestie slobody 27, Bratislava. For publishing one’s personalised stamp one has to fill in the order form which is available at certain post offices and in the ÚS POFIS in Bratislava.

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