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Postage Stamp Day - NITRAFILA Issue number
FDC 283
Date of issue
Face value
10.00 Sk
Sell price
1.20 €

Nitrafila 2003 The International philatelic exhibition NITRAFILA 2003 is organized on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Slovak Republic and creation of Slovak postage stamps. Exhibitors from the philatelic unions of V-4 as well as from other European and overseas countries will participate at the exhibition. The exhibition will be held in exposition area Agrokomplex in Nitra, June 11 - 15, 2003. Various philatelic meetings will take place during the exhibition, such as meetings of philatelic unions of V-4 and the International Union of Technical Museums, or the International Congress of Young Philatelists of V-4, and presentation of the...

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