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Koloman Sokol: In the Atelier Issue number
FDC 281
Date of issue
Face value
23.00 Sk
Sell price
1.20 €

Koloman Sokol – painter and graphic artist. He was born in Liptovský Mikuláš on 12th December, 1902. Sokol attended the private graphic schools of Eugen Krón in Košice (from 1921 to 1924), Gustáv Mallý in Bratislava and the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, where he studied under Max Švabinský and T. F. Šimon (from 1924 to 1932). In the years 1932 – 1933 he studied in Paris. In 1937 he went to Mexico City, where he established a department of graphic art. Sokol left for the United States in 1942 and in the years 1946 – 1947 he taught at the department of drawing and painting at the Slovak Technical College in Bratislava. Since September 1949 he lives in USA. Koloman Sokol’s works are characterised by dynamism and expressive use of graphic techniques and are informed by social criticism and philosophical meditation. Point of his art was in expressionistic graphic art, notably wood engraving. As the first artist he brought to the Slovak modern art an urban genre and its social interactions. K. Sokol is one of Slovakia’s leading 20th century exponents of graphic art. He lives and creates in Arizona, USA. PhD. Karol Maliňák

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