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Splendours of Our Homeland - Cavern-Domica Issue number
FDC 120
Date of issue
Face value
6.00 Sk
Sell price
1.20 €

Domica rangs among the most beautiful and most important caverns of Slovak splendour. It is situated on the southern brim of plain - Silická, cca 10 km from Plešivec, thereabouts state border with Hungary. It was discovered on October 3, 1926 by Ján Majko and together with Hungarians Baradla presents one genetical system in 21 km length. It is created on bright limestones of central Trias and has a typical character of small river cavern with oval and horizontal gangways. Its rise was caused by underground water of the small river Styx. It distinguishes richess of stalagmite formations. For the cavern is typical stalagmite shields and drums and also cascade small lake. Among the noteworthy belons also bulbous shapes of stalactites. It is precious with discoveries of earthen fragments and vessels of beech - mountain cultures, stone instruments, made of bone articales and fireplaces of neolithic man which was inhabited 5000 years ago. It is accessible for public from 1932 in 1715 m length. In 1995 it became a part of the world natural heritage.

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