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"150 Years of Slovenské pohľady (Slovak Perspectives)" Issue number
FDC 93
Date of issue
Face value
18.00 Sk
Sell price
1.20 €

Slovenské pohľady (1846-1996) anniversary of what is probably Europe's oldest review The review Slovenské pohľady na literatúru, umenie a život (Slovak Perspectives on Literature, Art and Life) was founded in 1864 by the fighter for national emancipation Jozef Miloslav Hurban. His concept for a periodical on literature and science fitted in perfectly with the activities of Štúr and his followers, who were intent upon concentrating the forces of national revival and defending the authenticity, rights and unique culture of the Slovaks in the adverse conditions of the Kingdom of Hungary. At celebrations held in Budmerice to mark the anniversary, the...

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