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Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava Issue number
FDC 75
Date of issue
Face value
2.00 Sk
Sell price
1.20 €

Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava (BIB) is an international competitive exhibition of illustrations for books for children and young adults, and has been held since 1967. BIB takes place under the patronage of UNESCO and its non-governmental organisation IBBY. As laid down by the statute of BIB, the selection of works is carried out by curators from individual countries together with BIB's curator general. The BIB Secretariat is responsible for organisation, while matters of expertise relating to illustration for children and young adults are the domain of the BIB International Department. This Department is a part of BIBIANA, the International House of Art for Children, which takes its name from BIB. Books exhibited at the Biennial are acquired by the BIB library. Awards given at BIB are: the Grand Prix, Zlate jablko (Golden Apple), plaques and honorable mentions. In the present issue we reproduce works by artists who received awards at BIB '93 . The following Slovak artists have received awards at BIB: Grand Prix: Dušan Kállay (1983); Zlate jablko (Golden Apple): Viera Bombová (1967, 1969), Albín Brunovský (1977, 1981), Dušan Kállay (1973, 1975), Róbert Brun (1987), Viera Gergeľová(1989); Plaques: Miroslav Cipár (1973, 1977), Robert Dúbravec (1975), Ľuba Končeková (1979), Katarína Ševellová (1989), Dušan Kállay (1993), Jana Kiseľová (1991).

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