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President of SR Ivan Gašparovič (Definitive stamp) Issue number
Date of issue
Face value
9.00 Sk
Sell price
0.16 €

© Slovak Post, 2005 Ivan Gašparovič was born on 27 March 1941 in Poltár. From 1959 until 1964 he studied law at the Faculty of Law of Comenius University (“CU”) in Bratislava. Following graduation, from 1965 until 1966 he was an articled clerk at the District Public Prosecution Office in Martin, and from 1966 to 1968 he worked for the Public Prosecution Office, Bratislava. In 1968 he started work as a lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of CU Department of Law. He was elected a member of the Slovak National Council in 1992, subsequently becoming the Chairman...

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